Nicola Guglielmi
Nicola Gugliemi is full professor in Numerical Analysis and Chair of the Doctoral School in Mathematics at GSSI. He is interested in the general area of scientific computing, particularly numerical analysis of ordinary and delay differential equations, stability analysis of (discretized) dynamical systems - including variable coefficient and switched systems - and ode methods in matrix perturbation theory and control, for high-dimensional problems. More specifically: Stiff and singularly perturbed problems (in particular in the framework of delay differential equations); software development for general classes of implicit delay differential equations; stability analysis of numerical integrators for ordinary and delay differential equations; computation of the joint spectral characteristics of a set of matrices, with application to contractivity analysis of time dependent systems of differential and difference equations; ode-based pseudospectral computations for both unstructured and structured problems; non-smooth analysis of discontinuous differential equations with focus on the computation of weak solutions.
Personal Web Page
Francesco Tudisco
Francesco Tudisco is an Associate Professor (Reader) in Machine Learning affiliated with the University of Edinburgh, the Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences, and the Gran Sasso Science Institute. His research interests lie at the intersection between machine learning and applied mathematics, particularly numerical analysis and scientific computing. His recent work includes the design and analysis of physics-inspired deep learning models for scientific simulations and climate forecasting, machine learning on graphs, compression and speed-up of deep learning models, trustworthiness and robustness of deep learning models, and theory of deep learning, including the analysis of neural networks in the infinite width and infinite depth limits.
Personal Web Page.
Angelo Alberto Casulli
Asma Farooq
Francesco Paolo Maiale
Piero Deidda
PhD Students
Arturo De Marinis
Arturo De Marinis is a PhD Student in Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences at GSSI. He holds a degree in Mathematics from the University of Bari Aldo Moro. In his thesis, he proposed numerical methods for trajectory optimization of unmanned aerial vehicles based on optimal control theory. His current research interests lie between numerical analysis and machine learning, in particular he is now studying the stability of new machine learning models for supervised learning, the so called neural ordinary differential equations.
Bernardo Collufio
Bernardo Collufio is a PhD student with PNRR fellowship in “Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences” curriculum at GSSI. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics at University of Messina and Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics at University of Pavia, with a thesis entitled "Mathematical and numerical study of first ionization phenomena for atomic hydrogen in an extended phase space". His main interests concern the study of numerical schemes for solving kinetic PDEs arising in many physical processes in the context of Gas Dynamics, Fluid Dynamics and Plasma Physics, with a particular focus on high accuracy, asymptotic preserving property and preservation of conserved quantities.
Dayana Savostianova
Dayana Savostianova is a PhD Student in Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences, GSSI. Previously, she was a Research Intern at the Complex Systems Modelling and Control Laboratory, Department of Computer Sciences, Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia). She holds a BSc in Applied Mathematics and Information Science from Higher School of Economics. Her current research interests are in the scope of complex systems, mathematical modelling and direct numerical simulations of natural processes. Her previous work was focused on predictability in Self-Organised Criticality systems.
Emanuele Zangrando
Francesco Fabbri
Joint supervision with Prof. Francesco Viola.
Grigorii (Grisha) Buklei
Grigorii (Grisha) Buklei is a PhD Student in Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences, GSSI. He was awarded with PNRR-funded scholarship. Previously, Grigorii was a Research Intern at the Complex Systems Modelling and Control Laboratory, Department of Computer Sciences, Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia). He holds a BSc in Applied Mathematics and Information Science from the Higher School of Economics. His current research interests are in the scope of mathematical modeling, Bayesian experimental design, and algorithmic game theory.
Helena Biscevic
Joint supervision with Prof. Raffaele D'Ambrosio.
Pietro Sittoni
Pietro Sittoni is a PhD student in Mathematics in Natural, Social, and Life Sciences. He holds a MSc in Data Science from the University of Padova. During his thesis, he studied the properties of subhomogeneous operators, exploiting them to present a new analysis of the existence and uniqueness of fixed points, using it to design stable deep equilibrium models and applying it to mathematical optimization.
Rinat Kamalov
Joint supervision with Prof. Vladimir Protasov.
Sara Tarquini
Former Members
Anton Savostianov (PhD student)
Alessia Andò (postdoc)
Konstantin Prokopchik (PhD student)
Mattia Manucci (PhD student)
Miryam Gnazzo (PhD student)
Stefano Sicilia (PhD student)